We are a Portsmouth based charity providing Community Toy Library sessions, toy loan and 1:1 support for hard to reach and vulnerable families within the City. The mobile Toy Library visits local Hostels, Refuge and The Teenage Parents Project.

*Covid-19 update*

***All community Toy Library sessions are closed until it is deemed safe to re open.

***All childcare providers looking after key worker children throughout this period can apply for a free membership to borrow toys and resources to use within their settings (this includes grandparents taking on the role of looking after grandchildren)

***Families with children with additional needs are welcome to borrow, free of charge, toys and resources to use within their own homes. This is provided all year round and we have seen an increase in families taking up membership throughout this period

***Outreach families will receive support on-going through telephone contact and drop off of toys and resources at their doorstep

***Toys and crafts are being offered to all Hostels and the Refuge, if you have a service that you feel could benefit from some extra resources please get in contact

Contact 02392 832926, leave a message and we will get back to you to arrange membership, toys and delivery

Email - toylibrary at ctlib.org.uk

Visit our website at cctoystore.org.uk to see toys and resources available for loan